But why….?

As many of us know, it often takes a crisis to engage a community. Everyone becomes more aware of how vulnerable we are. As a human race - simple biological beings, we can be denounced by such microscopic organisms that create these harmful viruses.

And what about our social awareness?

Of course, with constant messaging reminding us about social distancing, it may have taken a more ‘spiritual’ and already ‘mindful’ person to rewrite the narrative in accordance with what that actually means.

Sure, the governments have wanted us to steer clear and stay safe - hence socially distancing ourselves from others. However, this is more a PHYSICAL distancing approach; causing backlash due to the anti-social among us who saw this lockdown as a push back into their box.

Anyway, I’m not writing this to cast aspersion nor open political debate. I’m writing this today to remind you here that we are being called upon to focus upon SOCIAL CONNECTION at a time when yes, we have been physically challenged- however we can hone in on our energetic bodies and connect mindfully ; in STILLNESS, WITH OTHERS.

There are no limitations to BEING.

I REMEMBER BEING INCREDIBLY FRAGILE POST GFC - AND THEN CORE RELATIONSHIPS ENDED WITH GRIEF CRIPPLING ME FOR YEARS. If it weren’t for a friend who encouraged me to go to a conference where I heard this woman speak about UNCERTAINTY, I would never have had the understanding I have today.

COLLETTE BARON-REID said, “We have Instinct for survival - yet have separated parts: we don’t see ourselves as part of ‘something greater than this’….we have a BELIEF that there is not enough (???) to go around…”

She goes on to say that TRUE co-creative power is about helping to EVOLVE the World…however our ‘mortal’ physical self/intuition has atrophied. SOUL is our primary self ]- SPIRIT is ‘immortal’ and intuition needs a multi sensory experience to be embraced. We need evolution in every life span.

This is the model I know and understand to be the one many of us are ready to reclaim.

We are souls having an earthly experience + but how do we POLARISE this aspect of soul & body?


As a Tantrika, I have been amazed at how much more socially connected I’ve been over these last few months. I have been working on-line with a couple of students who are still in a mentoring relationship with me, and so we have been connecting; sharing an open-hearted approach, continuing the practice of simply showing up and sitting still in the NOT KNOWING.

As followers of tantric tradition, my community has embraced this more social and expansive approach of being still; connecting within to our own sacred breath and honouring the Divine.

I have noticed for myself that with disciplines that have encouraged me to trust The Universe / Source / Shiva to always guide me, I have also been toppled by fear - given the energy wave that swept our planet in those early weeks. This, I know, was a great reminder that I am most certainly here on Earth facing the very same challenges as most when it comes to affording a working life that requires a steady income.

Like many of you, I felt an incredibly heightened sense of NOT KNOWING.

But I could switch off from all the media and hype. All we have to do is choose LOVE, not FEAR.

Once this LOVE was once again my beacon of light, I could regain my footing and continue daily practices;

What do these daily RITUALS look like?

Here’s some tantric tips:

  • Awake & say a prayer - with left hand on my heart, and right hand on my belly

    • this is a mantra: “I am love, I am so grateful for the food in my belly”

  • As soon as you are up, go out into nature (walking with puppy ‘mindfully’)

  • Do yoga ( for as little as 10 minutes/ day feeling grounded, you will quickly feel the soothing flow of breath to body & flexibility


    • because that’s wasted energy

    • because it won’t change your life - only YOU can do that,

….so, if you are feeling out of sorts, and struggling to get back into a balance, I’m opening myself up to see clients F2F again from next week.

With love, and a reminder of some simple Kundalini Yoga Mantras: I leave you with these….

SAT NARIEN, WAHAY GURU, HAREE NARIEN, SAT NAM <clear perception of Truth, indescribable wisdom, clear perception of the Creative Essence of the Divine, True Identity>

SA TA NA MA <Existence, Life, Death & Rebirth>

