Chakra Balancing & Healing Energy
A sacred shamanic way of reclaiming body wisdom (dna) & re-patterning neural pathways in our psyche & soul
^ (longer session may incorporate tools & techniques for post session practice)
*Release CORE CHAKRA & NADI Energy BlockS
(E.G. each major chakra has an intricate energy system which aligns with physical body organs, mental brainwaves & memory, spiritual alignments - I will explain as I feel into these along your body, and provide you with an understanding that helps you become mindful of how you’ve become ‘stuck in patterns of broken relationships / sick / angry / anxious etc.’)
(E.G. post surgical shock, accidents, stillbirths, miscarriage, difficult birthing, mastectomy, oncological treatment program including prostate care, loss of partner)
*Heal Soulmate Relationships
(E.G. relational dynamics are complicated - generally we relate to ‘mate’, hence it is biological (one of the 3 kuala tantric aspects = 1. progeny 2. pleasure (as in, joy/happiness) 3. presence (as in, ascention, being) - but in todays conditions, relationships may feel ‘fated’, but generally are a test or challenge around what we have come to learn about ourselves in attachment, co-dependence etc. Soulmates are very rarely romantic and joyful, long-lasting affairs.
*Experience Past Life ClearingS (this could relate to the above…)
Energetic Healing is an art & science encompassing the practice of ‘listening to the body’. Our bodies comprise of energy – external layers and also internal which correlates to internal functions of the body; to better understand this we can look at the workings of which involve our Chakra system – a form of energy composited within wheels along our body.
This form of bodywork is also a way to engage directly within deeper parts of our unconscious, sometimes hidden messages of the mind can be stored as cellular memory forming blocks.
Experience sacred sexual healing
Let go of shame or guilt (if any)
Learn your value as an individual in any given relationships
Gain insight around fears or feelings of inadequacy pertaining to but not limited in a) being expressive in bed b) struggling with connection in relationships
Release blocks (these may be BEIEFS that have been instilled as a child and remain in the unconscious part of the body / mind) that may be preventing you from enjoying YOUR LIFE
Discover other deep, ingrained behaviours or unconscious memories that may harbour a place in your psyche
Free the body of negative experience by honouring it and letting it go (this could be relationship sexual experiences or emotional blocks around abandonment & rejection = eating disorders / addictive behaviours
Understand what old beliefs may have unconsciously wounded you – and shift them
TRUST your purpose and empower yourself
On a physical level we can see our wounds, but often when we become vulnerable we are affected more deeply. This is when more obscure, difficult to determine underlying issues are incubated, be it due to trauma, or emotional rejection or of course something more insidious such as illness as in the case where prostate or ovarian cancers reside.
Sexual or intimacy issues can create trauma and block our divine connection hence creating disease and physical ailments such as but not limited to erectile dysfunction – one that concerns a great deal of our male population at some point in their lives.
Create that healthier intimate relationship you’ve always wished for
Confront deep intuitive discomfort and release anger/pain/fear/disappointment
Observe repetitive life patterns and choose to change
Prepare to meet your true self and open up to deeper love
Know that your heart is the centre of all things divine
Give yourself permission to TRUST (yourself or a new partner)
Conscious conception
Did you know that the more we focus on WORKING at getting pregnant, the less likely it is to happen?
Often we are unconscious of all the distracting energies that become integral in calling our child’s soul into our lives. I will share with you how to become more consciously aware of how to INVITE your baby into your aura and body. And yes, this works for both men and women!
*This session incorporates somatic bodywork e.g. breath & visualisation plus therapeutic discussion. Sessions are conducted clothed, yet comfortable within a therapeutic relaxed setting. See my counselling & coaching page for more information about therapy.
Also read about tantric BODYWORK (POLARITY KEY) as a form of opening up the body with breath in endeavouring to connect through intimate touch to reach the source of discomfort.
Ever wondered how you will know if you’ve met the right person?
Understand what a soul-mate connection is; and learn how to determine if you’re having a relationship with one. We may have many soul mates in our lifetime, so it’s valuable to understand the relevance and impact that this most powerful union may have upon our emotional-physical and spiritual well being.
Learn how to manage soulmate patterning behaviours that lead you into toxic mate & date scenarios – it’s not a good relationship? And does it seem impossible to detach& move on? According to Buddhist teachings and general consensus amongst healers (especially those of us who can tap into past life energy plus spiritual wisdom), any form of emotional attachment is suffering.
Attachments can be that which we experience when attaining certain things, items, people, places, thoughts feelings. These can lead to a false sense of hope or preconceptions that endear us with the belief that we are committed to – or locked in with this, hence our energy system perceives discordance and creates rigidity within our needs system. If we cannot ‘have’ what we believe we own/belong to or desire, we emit an energetic wave of discontent which then sets us up into a patterning which becomes resistant to change.
If we are not able to grow in a positive way; in the ebb and natural flow of our personal evolution then we become stuck, and eventually miserable. Life is all about change and based upon duality of natural order – “it is as it should be” – we surrender to our base needs (food, shelter and sex) and enter into healthy relationships, where we hope to experience unconditional love.
Okay, but what about the testing and sometimes heart breaking relationships some of us may attract? Why is it that so many smart people often find themselves re-creating toxic encounters; short lived relationships that become unstable, or intense connections that seem fated but always dramatically end?
And for those of you who have what seemed to be a healthy marriage or relationship until certain issues arose, how do you check in on these problems and find the root cause?
Be it an affair, a long distance lover or ongoing passive-aggressive partnership, how can you reclaim your power and regain your sense of control and happiness again?
In the past ten years I’ve been researching a phenomenon known as soul-mate relationships. I know many may baulk at the concept, however those of you who continue to read this may also be registering that this is not about the ‘rose coloured glasses’ type of relationship. No, not at all! I’m not speaking about ‘Happy Ever After’ here.
You may feel that this kind of relationship has been sent to test you & I’m here to tell you it probably was! Soul-mate relationships are arranged before we are even born. Soul-mate partners are all about human life lessons – often regarding unconditional love. They can be incredibly passionate or painfully challenging…or often both. You probably knew from the moment you met, touched or spoke that there was more than meets the eye. You felt moved in more ways than you could have imagined. Your whole life has changed as a consequence of meeting this person.
Want to know more?
Please feel free to call me for a consultation if you would like to know if you’re in a soul-mate relationship and how to recognise the pattern; acknowledge the proposed lesson and structure an applicable game plan in order to survive the emotional roller coaster.
It’s an incredible journey once you’re aware of the path so let’s chat and see how I can help you gain clarity and get your relationship – OR your life – back on track!
If you’re more aware of a significant connection that is binding and needs attention, then maybe you’re ready to ‘cut the cord’ to this person.
We experience many relationships in our lifetime and some may be more exasperating than exhilarating, often leaving you to scream out loud “Why is this? What have I done wrong to deserve such drama and chaos? Where’s the love I deserve and have waited years for?”
These relationships that challenge us emotionally are often laden with unconscious jewels of wisdom; empirical learning at its most transpersonal yet tumultuous best. You may have read countless articles on relationships and yet nothing changes, so you begin to curse the Universe – or your partner.
By the time you’ve reached me, you are already clear that there’s an element of meaning to this kind of relationship that mainstream analysis cannot simply explain; so now you know there’s more to life than body+mind. There’s spirit – and there is that thing called our soul.
According to much of my research – undertaken due to my own battle with a soul-mate relationship – we have a written contract with another. Our souls apparently make a plan for us, hence we meet those lovers, friends etc. that make or break us.
So here’s a taste of what I can support you with in a session.
Have you asked yourself…
What has attracted me to a particular person?
What changes do they trigger in me, or how has my behaviour changed?
How has this coupling moulded my beliefs around love, sex and intimacy?
Is it a love affair to remember, unconditional love partnership worth nurturing or a marriage made in Hell?
As you can see, these soul-mate relationships are not always ones that take a simple romantic path – they are often tiresome and sometimes linked to past life contract that we’ve agreed to resolve (hopefully in this life), so here’s how I can help by clearing of psychic cords that bind you to one another (auric energy cleansing ritual).
Once cleared, we can map the outcomes of your connection & lesson then discuss what it is you want in a healthy relationship – what does a relationship look like to you, and how do you attract one? We will be taking a close look at the patterns and significant highs and lows. What do you like to have in common? What were distinct attractions that turned you both into lust filled lovers? When did things turn sour? How did you feel about this relationship?
Let’s discuss your session today.
“I cannot recommend Taryn enough! She took me back to a past life (which was so strange) & I saw a great deal of blood - I had been fighting as a man. I was unhappy with this - and in reality I was going through menopause & missing having my cycle. The next day I bled - and welcomed it. Taryn’s session gave me some time to get used to being a woman without periods; I felt more content”