Virgo is your Body, NOT just any Body : VIRGO SEASON 2019

Sourced directly from the amazing Jessica Adams Astrologer

Why do I bang on about Astrology and it’s connection with Tantric life?

Here’s why….as we sit here in Spring 2019, I know I have a Virgo stellium - and an onslaught of amazing clients who often have Virgo or Pisces aspects (which is in Opposition astrologically to Virgo).

Are you curious to know more? Please read on…..


Super Virgo Weather 2019 – Time to Ground!

by Jessica Adams (website at the end)

“The New Moon in Virgo takes place at 10.37am (Universal Time) on Friday 3oth August and is part of a sweeping pattern of change in your life, as we also have Apollo in Virgo, Mercury in Virgo, the Sun in Virgo, Mars in Virgo, Juno in Virgo, Ops in Virgo, Bacchus in Virgo…need I go on?

Your zodiac sign (Sun Sign) is a good guide to a basic weather forecast and it can also help you to be proactive, using the Virgo climate to make the right decisions at the right time. In a moment I’ll give you some dates and also information about your personal birth chart, if you are a Premium Member.

Virgo is an earth sign. She likes to keep her feet on the ground. This Super Virgo Weather, starting with the New Virgo Moon, is your time to get real, be practical, come back down to earth (if you were losing touch with reality mid-year, for example). It’s a no-nonsense sign and you are entering extreme Virgo conditions.

Your Birth Chart

The Virgo Weather and Your Zodiac Sign – Where is the New September Start?

Aries: Your work ethic. Your identification (or not) with the working class. Your dentist and doctor. Your feelings about your body as a whole. Your current division of the 24 hours in each day, into sleep, work, housework and relaxation. Healers.

Taurus: Pregnancy and birth. Abortion. Miscarriage. Existing sons and daughters. Grandchildren and godchildren. Nieces and nephews. Sexual relationships with parenthood potential. Teaching, mentoring, coaching and guiding younger people.

Gemini: Your home town and your homeland. Your culture, roots, heritage and family tree. Your house or apartment. Your holiday home or investment property. You’re household. Close relatives. Flatmates/roommates. Renovation and building.

Cancer: Your blog or website. Your Twitter or Pinterest account. Your mobile telephone/cell phone. Your thesis, script, novel, article, broadcast or podcast. Your fundamental ability to communicate – hearing, speech, handwriting, literacy.

Leo: Your tax return. Your loan or mortgage. Your credit card or debit card. Your income. Saving money and making money. Your charity commitment. Your business or company. Valuables. Auctions and secondhand shops. Commission and bonus.

Virgo: Your physical appearance, from hair colour to cosmetic surgery. Your wardrobe and accessories. Your name and title. Your reputation on Google and in real life. How other people see you, from the outside looking in. Your first impression.

Libra: Your relationship with your God. Witchcraft. Inner demons. Psychologists and psychiatrists. Buddhism, Judaism, Islam, Christianity. Solitude. Soul-searching. Confession. Priests and vicars. Examining your conscience for sin. Therapy.

Scorpio: Friendships as a whole, within social media like Twitter but also in the real world – for example through an organisation like Greenpeace or your local football team. People power in a group – trade unions, political parties.

Sagittarius: Success and achievement. Ambition and striving. Making it to the top and staying at the top. Your social rank and status in the class system, but also in other ‘clout’ systems like the internet. All hierarchies which require climbing.

Capricorn: Your relationship with foreign people, their language, culture, food and beliefs. Travel and travellers. Tourists. Regional differences which can make others seem foreign to you. Academia and education. Publishing. The internet.

Aquarius: Your legacy to others. The money or goods and property left to you in a will by family or partners. Mortgage and marriage. Common-law marriage and rent, shared ownership of possessions. Sex and money. Death and money. Bankers.

Pisces: Your former wife or husband. Your current partner. A potential lover. Enemies, rivals and opponents. Legal battles. Duets. Duels. Business or professional partnerships. The person on the other end of the scales from you. Double-acts.

Dates to watch during Super Virgo Weather

This is a really great period in your life for a new chapter – a genuine fresh start – with not much in your way. Sure, you will examine what you create or commence near August 30th by September 14th (Full Moon) but that’s quite useful. It doesn’t hurt to inspect something and make changes and adjustments. If you’re a Sun Cancer person, for example, then you may be relaunching your blog and that Full Moon will show you what is wrong with it – so you can fix it.

I mentioned a long list of asteroids at the beginning of this feature. They matter quite as much as planets in modern astrology, which uses the whole family tree – so not just Jupiter, but also his son Bacchus. Not just Mars but his rival, Vulcano. It’s only when you use the whole spread of horoscope factors that you start seeing date-stamped accuracy.

Friday 30th August is pretty remarkable as we see the Sun at 6 Virgo trine Uranus at 6 Taurus, with the New Moon also coming in at 6 Virgo too. Ops is very close by at 7 Virgo the next day, Saturday 31st August, conjunct the Sun.

Do You Have Factors at 6 Degrees in Your Personal Birth Chart?

If you have anything at all at 6 degrees you’re off to a flying start for September, as the people and organisations around you want to make big new beginnings – and you’ll be affected by that. You may find that a business wants to expand, for example, and contacts you to say they are hiring. Someone may decide to move house, to give you another example, and that gives you a new neighbour who opens up your social life – and so on.

Extreme Virgo Weather

Extreme Virgo weather always brings front-page news about medical discoveries, but also taxpayer-funded health care schemes like the N.H.S. and Medicare, Obamacare and so on. September 2019 will be the most important month this year for major announcements regarding this.

The extreme Virgo weather will hit you more, to your total advantage, if you have Virgo factors in your personal birth chart. As a Premium Member you’ll be looking at that right now, in this story (above). Look at the segment of the circle which is roughly in the 3pm-4pm position – that is the Sixth House. The more packed it is, the more ‘Virgo’ you actually are. Having more than three factors in Virgo gives you a Virgo stellium.

If the following patterns line up exactly at the same degree as anything in Virgo in your horoscope, that’s a ‘trigger’ day for major new directions with your workload, daily routine, lifestyle, fitness, food, drink, drugs, doctor, healer, housework. I don’t need to mention that Virgo is associated with quitting cigarettes and dope. It is also associated with giving up alcohol, cocaine and an unhealthy dependency on legal drugs, like valium. Virgo is very much about diets and this extreme Virgo weather will result in a surprising switch to a meat-free way of eating for people you know. I have also seen vegetarians who were overweight, with pasty complexions, decide to start eating free-range steak and chicken again, during Virgo cycles – and lose the pounds and gain a much healthier appearance.

Virgo is Your Body, Not Just Any Body

Virgo is about your body, not just any body. It is very specifically about the DNA you inherited from your parents, but also the paid or unpaid work you do, and the impact that this has on your back (for example), your feet, your mental health (depression, anxiety, insomnia) and so on. Something that will feel quite new during this Virgo weather of 2019 is the focus on your unique mechanism – your wholistic health. If you are curious about Virgo as a sign, please do hit Search as I’ve gone into quite a lot of detail in the past, about the sixth sign of the zodiac and her rulership of the Sixth House.

Dates Which Trigger Virgo Patterns in Your Chart

A conjunction is like a car key starting the engine. Things begin – they rev up – and how you work, why you work, how you handle the 24 hours in your daily routine – are all charged. A new journey begins within 24 hours of these dates, below. If you are curious about what these planets and asteroids mean, remember you can hit Search at any time, or just turn to your guidebooks if you are a Premium Member.

The Sun conjuncts Vulcano at 8 Virgo on 1st September.

The Sun conjuncts Mars at 9 Virgo on 2nd September.

Mercury conjuncts Ops at 8 Virgo on 2nd September.

Mercury conjuncts Bacchus at 8 Virgo on 2nd September.

Mercury conjuncts Vulcano at 9 Virgo on 3rd September.

Mercury conjuncts Mars at 10 Virgo on 3rd September.

Bacchus conjuncts Vulcano at 10 Virgo on 3rd September.

Sun conjuncts Mercury at 11 Virgo on 4th September.

Mars conjuncts Bacchus at 11 Virgo on 5th September.

Sun conjuncts Bacchus at 18 Virgo on 11th September.

Mercury conjuncts Venus at 28 Virgo on 13th September.

For Everybody – Virgo Weather is Perfect for Decluttering

Virgo is the maiden (or unmarried young woman in the family) who was always charged with housework. The virgin who depended on her parents for support had to pay her way, so she was given the cleaning and tidying to do. This is an ancient symbol in astrology which goes back centuries! Today, we update it by associating Virgo with Marie Kondo and her famous ‘Spark Joy’ philosophy of decluttering. I would handpick September 2nd, 4th, 5th, 11th, 13th for you as great days to thoroughly clean your apartment, house or boat (if like me, you spend time on a yacht) and to get stuck into the gardening.

Full Moon – Test What You Started in August – on September 14th.

A Full Moon is your inner conflict, plus a situation where there are two sides, two opposing forces, or two points of view, which cannot meet in the middle. This is a testing time to see what how robust particular plans you made or accepted, near August 30th, actually are. This one falls with the Sun at 21 Virgo opposite the Moon at 21 Pisces on 14th September at 4.32 Universal Time. If something/someone is clearly wrong, that’s when you’ll take action and sort it out.”

You can check out your own chart with Jessica here at

, and please feel free to call me if you would like to check on the polarity within your own chart - and see how it plays in your life from here !
