How to manage intimacy & reclaim vitality in the bedroom
“I have been a type 1 diabetic for over three decades so I have come from the days of urine testing only to continuous glucose monitoring and insulin pump. I have never let the disease stop me from doing anything – my philosophy is that you live your life with Diabetes, not allow it to run your life. I have run marathons and travelled the world plus work in high-pressured jobs so I live this philosophy. The one thing I have found though, is that no matter how good my diabetic control, yes it affects my sexual function which has seen a decline in the past 12 years. I have to say that most diabetic specialists, educators, endocrinologists etc. have no concept of what this means to an individual. Their view seems to be that if you have good blood pressure, eyesight etc. you should be grateful and don’t worry about a sex life”